The Religious Revival in Wales - Awstin - eBook

The Religious Revival in Wales - Awstin - eBook

The "Western Mail," a popular newspaper during the Welsh Revival, assigned various reporters to chronicle it's progress each day.

The principle reporter was Mr. T. Davies, commonly known by his pen-name ‘Awstin.’ The reporters were eye witnesses and were generally very sympathetic to the movement.

Their articles were collected into six 32-page pamphlets which make up this collection. These pamphlets make very fascinating reading as they follow the ministry and travels of Evan Roberts.

They are essential reading for all those studying the grass-roots activities of those glorious days.
Book Title The Religious Revival in Wales - Awstin - eBook
Author Revival Library Books
Type eBook
Date Published Dec 11, 2018
The "Western Mail," a popular newspaper during the Welsh Revival, assigned various reporters to chronicle it's progress each day.

The principle reporter was Mr. T. Davies, commonly known by his pen-name ‘Awstin.’ The reporters were eye witnesses and were generally very sympathetic to the movement.

Their articles were collected into six 32-page pamphlets which make up this collection. These pamphlets make very fascinating reading as they follow the ministry and travels of Evan Roberts.

They are essential reading for all those studying the grass-roots activities of those glorious days.

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