The New John G. Lake Sermons - John G Lake - eBook

The New John G. Lake Sermons - John G Lake - eBook

The ministry of John G. Lake is unique in the twentieth century history of the church. The result of his five years of ministry in South Africa was the establishment of the Apostolic Church. God revealed to him the glorious truth of divine healing. Mighty miracles occurred which brought healing and health to those of his family still living.

One sister after she had actually expired was raised from the dead. This experience of witnessing God's power revolutionized his life. A tremendous hunger for God came in his heart. Even while engaged in business he preached night after night with great power and saw many saved and healed. But he was not satisfied. His soul reached out for more.

Then, after a period of waiting upon God for several months, he was baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire. He then determined to abandon himself to God. He sold everything he had and gave it to God's work in anticipation of God's call. The call came, and it was to Africa. In Africa God gave him a revival unprecedented since the days of the apostles. The fire spread throughout the nation, and hundreds of churches were raised up. Miracles occurred of such magnitude as to amaze the world and gave him audience with many leaders of his time.

Returning from Africa to Spokane, Washington, his ministry is said to have resulted in 100,000 healings in a period of five years. The first book of sermons entitled The John G. Lake Sermons on Dominion Over Demons. Disease. and Death has run through many editions. We trust this additional book of faith-building messages will have an equally enthusiastic reception. 

Book Title The New John G. Lake Sermons - John G Lake - eBook
Author Revival Library Books
Type eBook
Date Published Dec 11, 2018
The ministry of John G. Lake is unique in the twentieth century history of the church. The result of his five years of ministry in South Africa was the establishment of the Apostolic Church. God revealed to him the glorious truth of divine healing. Mighty miracles occurred which brought healing and health to those of his family still living.

One sister after she had actually expired was raised from the dead. This experience of witnessing God's power revolutionized his life. A tremendous hunger for God came in his heart. Even while engaged in business he preached night after night with great power and saw many saved and healed. But he was not satisfied. His soul reached out for more.

Then, after a period of waiting upon God for several months, he was baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire. He then determined to abandon himself to God. He sold everything he had and gave it to God's work in anticipation of God's call. The call came, and it was to Africa. In Africa God gave him a revival unprecedented since the days of the apostles. The fire spread throughout the nation, and hundreds of churches were raised up. Miracles occurred of such magnitude as to amaze the world and gave him audience with many leaders of his time.

Returning from Africa to Spokane, Washington, his ministry is said to have resulted in 100,000 healings in a period of five years. The first book of sermons entitled The John G. Lake Sermons on Dominion Over Demons. Disease. and Death has run through many editions. We trust this additional book of faith-building messages will have an equally enthusiastic reception. 

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