The Revival in the West - W. T. Stead - ebook

The Revival in the West - W. T. Stead - ebook

From the Author, "I am a child of the Revival of 1859-60. I have witnessed the Revival in South Wales, and it is borne in upon me that I must testify as to what I have seen and know. . . . . I cannot keep silent. Woe is me if I bear not my testimony, and bear it now! For never is it so true as in times of Revival that Now is the accepted time. Now is the day of salvation. "

W. T. Stead was obviously moved by his personal knowledge of the Revival and he used his name and his position as editor of the Pall Mall Gazette to propagate the movement.

This is his most definitive work on the revival, which includes a chapter on Evan Roberts.

Format: Completely re-typed. 62pp
Book Title The Revival in the West - W. T. Stead - ebook
Author Revival Library Books
Type eBook
Date Published Jan 02, 2019
From the Author, "I am a child of the Revival of 1859-60. I have witnessed the Revival in South Wales, and it is borne in upon me that I must testify as to what I have seen and know. . . . . I cannot keep silent. Woe is me if I bear not my testimony, and bear it now! For never is it so true as in times of Revival that Now is the accepted time. Now is the day of salvation. "

W. T. Stead was obviously moved by his personal knowledge of the Revival and he used his name and his position as editor of the Pall Mall Gazette to propagate the movement.

This is his most definitive work on the revival, which includes a chapter on Evan Roberts.

Format: Completely re-typed. 62pp

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