Revivals:Their Laws and Leaders - James Burns - ebook

Revivals:Their Laws and Leaders - James Burns - ebook

From time to time in the history of the Christian Church a work is penned which transcends time. James Burns' 'Revivals:Their Laws and Leaders' is such a book.

This 312 page volume, written in 1909 and last published in 1960, is crammed with insights which are so relevant to the church in our day - particularly the sections on 'The Laws of Revival.'

Your faith will be quickened for true spiritual revival as you read this wonderful spiritual treatise, that our world may experience a new and profound wave of God's Spirit.

Format: Digital facsimile, pdf, 312pp
Book Title Revivals:Their Laws and Leaders - James Burns - ebook
Author Revival Library Books
Type eBook
Date Published Jan 02, 2019
From time to time in the history of the Christian Church a work is penned which transcends time. James Burns' 'Revivals:Their Laws and Leaders' is such a book.

This 312 page volume, written in 1909 and last published in 1960, is crammed with insights which are so relevant to the church in our day - particularly the sections on 'The Laws of Revival.'

Your faith will be quickened for true spiritual revival as you read this wonderful spiritual treatise, that our world may experience a new and profound wave of God's Spirit.

Format: Digital facsimile, pdf, 312pp

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