Revivals of Religion - Thomas S. Hubert - ebook

Revivals of Religion - Thomas S. Hubert - ebook


The following treatise is designed by its author to be, and is, eminently practical, and will therefore be useful. Save the work by Dr. J. O. Peck on a similar theme, I know no other publication that covers the ground of this book. 

Mr. Hubert is a consecrated pastor who knows how to conduct revivals in his own charge. In these he has had uniform and distinguished success; his experience in these meetings, and his desire that the conditions of success which bis observation attests should be made known to all who seek the best results along these lines, have prompted him to the composition and publication of these Chapters. He has zeal according to knowledge, and communicates both with warmth and clearness. No pastor should be satisfied who is unable to conduct protracted meetings and to secure conversions in his own charge.

Fruits of his ministry he must see; the divine seal to his commission he must have. If soul-saving is the highest aspiration of his heart, Mr. Hubert's volume may be commended to him as the very help he is looking for. 

Chapter I. Promise and Prophecy 
Chapter II. Solicitude for Zion 
Chapter III. In the Church
Chapter IV. Solicitude for Sinners.
Chapter V. Revival Prayer
Chapter VI. Revival Preaching
Chapter VII. Revival Services 
Chapter VIII. Revival Methods, or Dealing with Sinners
Chapter IX. Revival Workers
Chapter X. Power from on High 
Chapter XI. Instantaneity 
Chapter XII. Abandonment to the Work

Book Title Revivals of Religion - Thomas S. Hubert - ebook
Author Revival Library Books
Type eBook
Date Published Jan 02, 2019

The following treatise is designed by its author to be, and is, eminently practical, and will therefore be useful. Save the work by Dr. J. O. Peck on a similar theme, I know no other publication that covers the ground of this book. 

Mr. Hubert is a consecrated pastor who knows how to conduct revivals in his own charge. In these he has had uniform and distinguished success; his experience in these meetings, and his desire that the conditions of success which bis observation attests should be made known to all who seek the best results along these lines, have prompted him to the composition and publication of these Chapters. He has zeal according to knowledge, and communicates both with warmth and clearness. No pastor should be satisfied who is unable to conduct protracted meetings and to secure conversions in his own charge.

Fruits of his ministry he must see; the divine seal to his commission he must have. If soul-saving is the highest aspiration of his heart, Mr. Hubert's volume may be commended to him as the very help he is looking for. 

Chapter I. Promise and Prophecy 
Chapter II. Solicitude for Zion 
Chapter III. In the Church
Chapter IV. Solicitude for Sinners.
Chapter V. Revival Prayer
Chapter VI. Revival Preaching
Chapter VII. Revival Services 
Chapter VIII. Revival Methods, or Dealing with Sinners
Chapter IX. Revival Workers
Chapter X. Power from on High 
Chapter XI. Instantaneity 
Chapter XII. Abandonment to the Work

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