Little David, Miracle Boy Preacher - Raymond G. Hoekstra - ebook

Little David, Miracle Boy Preacher - Raymond G. Hoekstra - ebook

David Walker was born in Phoenix, Arizona on Sept 20, 1934. When he was nine he was transported by a vision into Heaven for five hours and he came out of that experience as an anointed preacher!

Thousands came to hear the "boy" evangelist preach the Gospel with as much zeal and power as many who had years of crusade experience.

Amazing miracles and supernatural manifestations accompanied "Little" David's ministry. He worked with the best known healing evangelists of the Voice of Healing organization as a young man.

Later he became a very successful pastor and missionary, ministering in over 70 countries of the world.

Format: Digital facsimile pdf 72pp 

Book Title Little David, Miracle Boy Preacher - Raymond G. Hoekstra - ebook
Author Revival Library Books
Type eBook
Date Published Jan 02, 2019
David Walker was born in Phoenix, Arizona on Sept 20, 1934. When he was nine he was transported by a vision into Heaven for five hours and he came out of that experience as an anointed preacher!

Thousands came to hear the "boy" evangelist preach the Gospel with as much zeal and power as many who had years of crusade experience.

Amazing miracles and supernatural manifestations accompanied "Little" David's ministry. He worked with the best known healing evangelists of the Voice of Healing organization as a young man.

Later he became a very successful pastor and missionary, ministering in over 70 countries of the world.

Format: Digital facsimile pdf 72pp 

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