Herald of Faith

Herald of Faith

28 rare editions of the Herald of Faith magazine from the years 1956-1971

Edited by Joseph Mattson-Boze - promoting the ministry of William Branham, other healing evangelists and missionary works.

Joseph D. Mattsson-Boze, was a widely respected Swedish Pentecostal pastor who was invited to pastor Chicago's leading Scandinavian Pentecostal church in 1933. In the late 40's he was involved in the early healing movement and was a long-time friend of William Branham.

His magazine, the 'Herald of Faith,' already well-established since 1933, became another voice for the growing healing ministry and was amongst the most loyal to Branham's ministry, printing many of his sermons and reporting his meetings.

Boze's passion was primarily for indigenous missionary work and he saw the ministry of signs and wonders as an essential part of the Great Commission.

The magazine joined with Gerald Derstine's 'Harvest Time' magazine, eventually became the well-known 'Logos Journal' under the editorship of Don Malachuk.

When we find any more of these treasures we will add them to the collection. The CD is Mac and Windows compatible and is fully searchable.
Book Title Herald of Faith
Author Revival Library Books
Type CD
Date Published Jan 02, 2019
28 rare editions of the Herald of Faith magazine from the years 1956-1971

Edited by Joseph Mattson-Boze - promoting the ministry of William Branham, other healing evangelists and missionary works.

Joseph D. Mattsson-Boze, was a widely respected Swedish Pentecostal pastor who was invited to pastor Chicago's leading Scandinavian Pentecostal church in 1933. In the late 40's he was involved in the early healing movement and was a long-time friend of William Branham.

His magazine, the 'Herald of Faith,' already well-established since 1933, became another voice for the growing healing ministry and was amongst the most loyal to Branham's ministry, printing many of his sermons and reporting his meetings.

Boze's passion was primarily for indigenous missionary work and he saw the ministry of signs and wonders as an essential part of the Great Commission.

The magazine joined with Gerald Derstine's 'Harvest Time' magazine, eventually became the well-known 'Logos Journal' under the editorship of Don Malachuk.

When we find any more of these treasures we will add them to the collection. The CD is Mac and Windows compatible and is fully searchable.

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