An Humble Attempt to Promote .......... Extraordinary Prayer … - Jonathan Edwards - ebook

An Humble Attempt to Promote .......... Extraordinary Prayer … - Jonathan Edwards - ebook

Edwards wrote this book in 1746 after seeing two remarkable movements of the Spirit of God, one during 1734-35 and the other in 1740-42. He was convinced that Christian prayers for revival released the power of God's Spirit and resulted in converts and would bring worldwide revival.

Furthermore he believed that Christians had a positive duty to pray for this. In this treatise he employs all his powers of reason and Scripture knowledge to support his plea for more dedicated and organised prayer for revival.

There had been a 'Memorial' circulated throughout English-speaking Christendom, particularly in Great Britain, written by certain Scottish ministers, calling for special or 'extraordinary' prayer. Edwards endorsed their suggestions of such prayer on 'Saturday evenings, Sunday mornings and the first Tuesday of each quarter, for an initial period of seven years.'

Although there was not another widespread awakening in the English-speaking world until the 1770's, and another in the 1790's, this book has fired many an intercessor to lay hold of God for a breakthrough of divine power.

Format: Completely re-typed, original pagination, Word.doc, 119pp

Book Title An Humble Attempt to Promote .......... Extraordinary Prayer … - Jonathan Edwards - ebook
Author Revival Library Books
Type eBook
Date Published Jan 02, 2019
Edwards wrote this book in 1746 after seeing two remarkable movements of the Spirit of God, one during 1734-35 and the other in 1740-42. He was convinced that Christian prayers for revival released the power of God's Spirit and resulted in converts and would bring worldwide revival.

Furthermore he believed that Christians had a positive duty to pray for this. In this treatise he employs all his powers of reason and Scripture knowledge to support his plea for more dedicated and organised prayer for revival.

There had been a 'Memorial' circulated throughout English-speaking Christendom, particularly in Great Britain, written by certain Scottish ministers, calling for special or 'extraordinary' prayer. Edwards endorsed their suggestions of such prayer on 'Saturday evenings, Sunday mornings and the first Tuesday of each quarter, for an initial period of seven years.'

Although there was not another widespread awakening in the English-speaking world until the 1770's, and another in the 1790's, this book has fired many an intercessor to lay hold of God for a breakthrough of divine power.

Format: Completely re-typed, original pagination, Word.doc, 119pp

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