The Story of the Welsh Revival - Arthur Goodrich - eBook

The Story of the Welsh Revival - Arthur Goodrich - eBook

In this book we are taken to the heart of the Welsh Revival through a variety of eyewitness reports penned by some well-known ministers and writers of the day.

It includes a sketch of Evan Roberts and his ‘Message to the World.’

Published in 1905 these pages helped fan the flame of authentic revival to many other locations around the globe.

Book Title The Story of the Welsh Revival - Arthur Goodrich - eBook
Author Revival Library Books
Type eBook
Date Published Dec 11, 2018
In this book we are taken to the heart of the Welsh Revival through a variety of eyewitness reports penned by some well-known ministers and writers of the day.

It includes a sketch of Evan Roberts and his ‘Message to the World.’

Published in 1905 these pages helped fan the flame of authentic revival to many other locations around the globe.

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