Men Who Heard From Heaven - Gordon Lindsay - eBook

Men Who Heard From Heaven - Gordon Lindsay - eBook

In this rare book Gordon Lindsay has compiled 22 sketches of men who have heard from heaven as in Bible days and whose ministries reached millions of people all over the world for Christ.

These stories are of some of the major ministries of the great healing revival of the late 1940’s and fifties including,  T. L. Osborn, W. V. Grant, Velmer Gardner, Raymond Richey, A. C. Valdez, Richard Vineyard, Gayle Jackson, David Nunn and others.

There is no doubt that this revival was the greatest revival of history because of the millions of people that were converted internationally at divine healing campaigns, the revitalising of the Pentecostal churches and the birthing of the charismatic movement which has subsequently spread to every tongue and nation.

The stories of these men reveal the inner secrets of those who laid its foundation of this great movement and serve as a model for any that care to follow in their footsteps today.
Book Title Men Who Heard From Heaven - Gordon Lindsay - eBook
Author Revival Library Books
Type eBook
Date Published Dec 11, 2018
In this rare book Gordon Lindsay has compiled 22 sketches of men who have heard from heaven as in Bible days and whose ministries reached millions of people all over the world for Christ.

These stories are of some of the major ministries of the great healing revival of the late 1940’s and fifties including,  T. L. Osborn, W. V. Grant, Velmer Gardner, Raymond Richey, A. C. Valdez, Richard Vineyard, Gayle Jackson, David Nunn and others.

There is no doubt that this revival was the greatest revival of history because of the millions of people that were converted internationally at divine healing campaigns, the revitalising of the Pentecostal churches and the birthing of the charismatic movement which has subsequently spread to every tongue and nation.

The stories of these men reveal the inner secrets of those who laid its foundation of this great movement and serve as a model for any that care to follow in their footsteps today.

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