The Collected Writings of of Edward Irving Vol 2 - Edward Irving - ebook

The Collected Writings of of Edward Irving Vol 2 - Edward Irving - ebook

This is the second of these massive tomes which contain the main teachings of Edward Irving, the first truly Pentecostal minister in the United Kingdom.

This particular volume of 642 pages contains many lectures on John the Baptist, the temptation, Christian baptism and the Lord's Supper.

This is heavy reading but characteristically Bible-based and intelligently presented.

Format: Digital facsimile, pdf, 642pp

Book Title The Collected Writings of of Edward Irving Vol 2 - Edward Irving - ebook
Author Revival Library Books
Type eBook
Date Published Jan 02, 2019
This is the second of these massive tomes which contain the main teachings of Edward Irving, the first truly Pentecostal minister in the United Kingdom.

This particular volume of 642 pages contains many lectures on John the Baptist, the temptation, Christian baptism and the Lord's Supper.

This is heavy reading but characteristically Bible-based and intelligently presented.

Format: Digital facsimile, pdf, 642pp

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