How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles - Frank Bartleman - eBook

How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles - Frank Bartleman - eBook

Frank Bartleman's personal and exciting eye-witness accounts of the events at the Azusa Street Revival in 1906 are here presented in vivid detail.

It is generally accepted that Charles Fox Parham was the 'Father'of the early Pentecostalism and that William J. Seymour was the 'catalyst' of the new Pentecostal movement.

But what is not sufficiently grasped is the journalistic ministry of Frank Bartleman, whose personal diary and regular reports in the holiness press constitute the most complete and reliable record of what actually happened in Los Angeles from 1906-1909.

‘How Pentecost came to Los Angeles’ is widely recognized as one of the most powerful revival accounts ever written. Frank Bartleman was not just an eyewitness but also a leader and prayer warrior at Azusa Street from the earliest days. You will read of the prayer meetings on Bonnie Brae Street, the “Burning Bush” on Fifth Street, and the powerful move of the Holy Spirit at Azusa Street. 

Sprinkled throughout are accounts of “agonizing” prayer, deep repentance and some of the most perceptive observations on the secrets of Revival that you will ever read.

Book Title How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles - Frank Bartleman - eBook
Author Revival Library Books
Type eBook
Date Published Dec 11, 2018
Frank Bartleman's personal and exciting eye-witness accounts of the events at the Azusa Street Revival in 1906 are here presented in vivid detail.

It is generally accepted that Charles Fox Parham was the 'Father'of the early Pentecostalism and that William J. Seymour was the 'catalyst' of the new Pentecostal movement.

But what is not sufficiently grasped is the journalistic ministry of Frank Bartleman, whose personal diary and regular reports in the holiness press constitute the most complete and reliable record of what actually happened in Los Angeles from 1906-1909.

‘How Pentecost came to Los Angeles’ is widely recognized as one of the most powerful revival accounts ever written. Frank Bartleman was not just an eyewitness but also a leader and prayer warrior at Azusa Street from the earliest days. You will read of the prayer meetings on Bonnie Brae Street, the “Burning Bush” on Fifth Street, and the powerful move of the Holy Spirit at Azusa Street. 

Sprinkled throughout are accounts of “agonizing” prayer, deep repentance and some of the most perceptive observations on the secrets of Revival that you will ever read.

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